We do it!
You like to have a reliable webserver or need a web hosting service for your website? We can organize, service and manage it for you.

We do it!
We create your websites in a professional setting. Tell us your needs and we do the rest without programming knowledge from your side..

We do it!
Would you like to transfer your data securely? You live in a country such as Egypt and can not use Skype or WhatsApp? We solve this task for you.

Imprint Service
We do it!
You have a website, but you don't want to show who runs it? Use our imprint service with an address e.g. in Egypt. Contact us.
Our Offer
123 Service makes it easy for you. We offer you the complete package. 123 Service first registers the domain for you. Here you should choose a meaningful, short and memorable name. Always keep in mind that you should be able to memorize this name if possible, even if it is said only once. After we have registered the domain, we set up the storage location on one of our web servers. We offer you a variety of possible options.
If you only want to set up a personal website, our single package is the best option. All the functions you need for a private page are available in this package. In addition to a MySql database, required for almost all common content management systems (CMS), you may configure various domain names, create email mailboxes, set up subdomains and access your data via e.g. FTP, POP3, IMP, or SSH. Our freelancers or professional programs are available for larger websites. On request we install a standard content management system like Wordpress, Joomla or VirtueMart for you- Like this you may start straight away with your website. Check out the details here: Web hosting deals
We are happy to develop the website for you or to support your development. This ranges from a private website to an extensive shop system. Everything adapted to your needs and easy to handle for you. You get an administration interface for later changes or expansions of the content of your website or web shop. We may also handle the ongoing maintenance and service of the website. This means you no longer have to worry about system updates or technical problems. Simply contact us to receive a non-binding offer to develop your website.
Security when transferring your data is an increasingly important issue. We are happy to help you here too. Our VPN servers give you the option of anonymously accessing the Internet. All data is encrypted during transmission according to the latest algorithms. Take a look at our VPN offers.
Our Imprint Service is helping you, if you like to cover your address oder even your name. You use our provided office addresses in your websites imprint area. Mails delivered to our offices are forwarded to you.
We would be more than happy to help you getting your service running with the help of 123 Service. Believe us, we do it.